to my web blog about training for fitness

My intent here is to consolidate, simplify and catalog some of the overwhelming amounts of information available on exercise, health and fitness. It serves also as my own personal fitness journal.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This particular "topic" is ongoing and updatable. In a sense, it's my personal training diary as it's geared more towards the subjective contemplative side of things than the rest of this blog. I thought this could add something in the way of real life experience and struggle and provide a sort of real-time example of how I train as well as some of the ways my thoughts on training tend to shift, ebb and flow. Have fun reading the entries and hopefully it'll inspire you to get busy yourself.


Journal Entry 4: Thursday 10/16/2008

Hit the waterfront for my cardio "long day" today in the misty rain. Took a while to get into it but managed to leg out (jog) another 6.5 mile morning. I am not made for running though..OUCH! my knees complained today but began to feel better after the half way/turn around point.

Note to self..gotta avoid lacing shoes too tight now as it causes needless pain and my new REAL running shoes don't require resorting to such methods to provide the necessary support anymore.

I feel ok about todays session, but with a slightly higher amount of pain and stiffness in my legs (knees and shins) I didn't quite go as long as I wanted to. Id like to incrementally increase the duration of my "long day" sessions at this point in the cycle but, if the pain continues I may modify those plans.

The "long day" at this point in the training cycle is NOT for pushing the intensity or split times but just for building endurance so hopefully it will be better next week. Gotta get more sleep!


Journal Entry 3: Tuesday 10/14/2008

Although I only had a little over a half hour to get a workout in today I managed to pull it off.

Today was AT cardio, meaning I did a lot of intervals to get my anaerobic threshold (AT) up and get my self ready for eventual higher intensity training and the Cascades. Went down to the beach and jogged for a couple miles and then included several 45 second full on sprints in/on the sand.

It feels really good on the knees and ankles to be on sand or grass as opposed to pavement. Also, I Got some new Nike's which help stabilize my weak left ankle. Its rare these days to not be sidelined with an ankle sprain so hopefully the new shoes will help. If you compare the old cheap shoes I used to run in to my new "real" running shoes you might see why I bought the new ones. One word SUPPORT!


Journal Entry 2: Thursday 10/09/2008

Working out the details of my latest "program". Today will be day 1 of the program (I come up with new progs constantly, some last, some morph into other things). It helps to be creative and curious in your training.

So long jog today (long for me). 6.5 miles is a long hard run for me and my battered knees and ankles. I held up well though on a mix of concrete and dirty grass. You should have only one "long day" per week in your cardio routine btw with the remainder (cardio/aerobic) sessions being no more than about 30-40 minutes duration. Why is this?

It has been shown (in studies) that high volume low intensity (aerobic) training is pretty catabolic (tissue consuming) and is counter productive to someone looking for overall fitness as (opposed to strictly training for long endurance goals -ie distance events). Climbers (to take a personal example) mostly need a more well rounded approach that includes both ANaerobic and aerobic training. Too much cardio and you're losing muscle and therefore leg strength etc..

My routine at present goes like this:

One long day (cardio) per week (that was today ie Thursday).

Tomorrow (Friday) I HIT the weights hard and "heavy!" focusing on upper body.

Saturday is for non active recovery so I do nothing.

Sunday is for moderate cardio machines in the gym 40 minutes or less.

Monday is for moderate ST (Strength Training in general), changing up the exercises from Friday's ST session or using resistance bands emphasizing muscle endurance and speed with high reps and lifting fast.

Tuesday is for more cardio but emphasizing AT (ANaerobic Threshold) training such as sprints and power hill runs.

Wednsday will be more upper bod ST at a moderate level.

Thursday will again be my "long day" for cardio as this 7 day cycle begins anew.

Im gonna stay on this routine for a little while until the next platue or until I get bored and then switch again..I'll let you know how it goes.


Journal Entry 1: ??/??/???? A few years back.

Base level of fitness achieved!

Here is my opening journal entry on my first years of training since coming off the couch in my late thirties.

I had (or have) finally gotten to a base level of fitness and what that means for me is that if I miss a week or 2 due to some issue, injury or sickness, getting "back on the horse" so to speak is no big deal. In other words, with a base level of fitness, you're no longer concerned about short lay offs or about your ability to push your body as hard as you can at times. You're always right there and that means being above average.

So I've gone from being a couch potato in my 30's to an active and much healthier 40 plus year old. It took me some time to get here for sure (maybe from 1 to 3 years to feel really solid) and I have to say I had a couple periods where I gave up. But despite the nagging injuries incurred along the way, the time, and even the expense (to a some extent), being fit has allowed me to do things I once only dreamed of and thought were destined only for other people.

Im actually different person than I once was and I will have a longer (hopefully) happier and fuller life because of my training. Was it the birth of my daughter that pushed me to finally take my health seriously? Or maybe it was the break up with her mom as well.. (one of a long line of "failed" relationships and a last straw for me). Was it waking up one day with a pinched nerve and partial temporary paralysis and no health insurance? Maybe I was just fed up at my "mid-life" point and wanted to have some semblance of control over the slow slide toward old age and death. Whatever it took I guess, Im just happy I found the quiet determination to see it through at least this far.


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